I'm excited for this new year, this fresh start. This past year was amazing but hard in many ways too. I got to teach children (which was wonderful!), freeze my butt off in the Korean winter, see beautiful Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. I got to live a relatively uncomplicated simple life in a high rise in Seoul, Korea. I moved back to Austin and got my own apartment, a new job tutoring college students, reconnected with friends, got back into things at church, and found an awesome small group. I got to be with my nuclear family for three days before Christmas, which is so rare that we are all in the same place for more than two hours. I lost a little weight which is a lot for a small person!!! I figured out that taking a mega multi-vitamin makes me have migraines way way way less than I did, another amazing quality of life victory!!!! Oh and I learned to knit! And one of my best friends had a little girl named Althea, what a blessing. Unfortunately, I ended this year with feelings of being a little defeated, and broken, but I think that this is one of the inevitable periods of life that just have to be worked through. And in reflection, I am not so sad but just happy to be alive and to be warm and fed and healthy, with people that love me around.

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